Info: New Doujinshi are always at the bottom of each page. Depending on the category, they are at the bottom of the corresponding list. Example: New Gravitation Doujinshi will be added at Random Doujinshi -> the bottom of the Gravitation list. Please use the search function (CTRL + F) to easily find it.
If a Doujinshi is part of a series, or I upload a scanlation to replace the RAW, the Doujinshi will be added at its original place. So, if you are waiting for a specific one, check back from time to time or ask me via E-Mail/Tumblr/Discord.
Scanlations by Yaoi-Sei will be added at the top of the corresponding section, and also posted to LJ/Tumblr/Discord.

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi
~ Fixed links

~ Happy Valentine's Day~! <3

~ Happy New Year! <3

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Merry Christmas! <3

~ Fixed stuff

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!!, Death Note and Original (RD2) Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!!, Fate and Dead by Daylight (RD3) Doujinshi
~ Anything Fate related (even if it's not Fate/Zero) will be in the Fate/Zero category
~ We also want to take this time to congratulate KittyCatKayla...I mean Keyla...actually, Kyla, to a grand total of 15(!) notes on her warning post regarding Aroshie (that's me, and no, I'm not a thief and I still don't remove credits pages) being a truly vile (and whatever) person, in both personality and character...congratulations, hon~! If you keep it at the top of your page for another 3+ years, I'm sure you can double that. Actually, maybe not~ And Tumblr may shut down before that...
Also, a truly personal question...but, do you also wear cat ears irl 24/7? Meow~
Don't forget to read my About page~ <3

~ Fixed links

~ I'm not affiliated with the Aarinfantasy forum. I did not ask Aarin for permission to advertise for the forum. I am doing this because I personally want the forum to stay alive. Aarin has done more for the Yaoi Community than anyone else, so everyone that has at least a tiny bit of appreciation for her and love for Yaoi, should do what they can to keep the forum alive. Don't turn away because it seems inactive, instead, do your best to improve the activity even if all you make is an introduction post. Any contribution, no matter how tiny, helps.
I'm aware we are living in fast times where forums feel out of date, but not everything that's old school is past its prime. I'm sure people agree that some things were better in the past, whatever those things may be varies for everyone.
My site is basically just an archive, as long as I have the files I can keep it up and nothing much would change for me. I've always worked alone.
But what is a forum without people? Aarinfantasy needs the community, even if that is a community I was never part of I still can see it for what it is; which is a place where a lot of different people were and are still able to bond over shared interests, and above all, their common love for Yaoi.

~ Fixed stuff

~ Fixed links
~ Added Shingeki no Kyojin Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!! and Tokyo Ghoul Doujinshi

~ Added Tumblr PDF from pre-NSFW ban

~ Fixed links

~ Updated stuff

~ Fixed the discord link to prepare for impending doom

~ Added Tokyo Ghoul and Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Due to people having been asking me for a while about the links (and other info) on my old Tumblr, which is a pain to view in the dashboard, I've been converting my old blog(s) to PDF, which can be found at the links section~
I've actually meant to do this for a while, after all, it's such a shame that it's "gone"~ Enjoy~! <3

~ Happy Valentine's Day~! <3

~ Fixed links
~ Please tell me if you still encounter any doujinshi that have no working link at all
~ I'm also still looking for doujinshi with jumbled pages, so I can fix their order
~ Updated footer (damn it's 2024 already)


~ Happy New Year! <3

~ Merry Christmas! <3


~ Added Happy Tree Friends (RD3) Doujinshi


~ Added Durarara!! and Happy Tree Friends (RD3) Doujinshi
~ I will start adding info as to where Doujinshi without their own category can be found
RD1=Random Doujinshi 1 and so on~

~ Added Kuroko no Basket, Diamond no Ace, Shingeki no Kyojin, Original, DRAMAtical Murder, InuYasha, Free!, Yuri!!! on Ice, Haikyuu!!, Gintama, Osomatsu-kun, Tiger & Bunny and Koisuru Boukun Doujinshi
~ Because I've started batch uploading again, there's a possibility of things being wrong. If you spot any errors, don't hesitate to contact me~ ♥

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Happy Tree Friends Doujinshi which can be found in the Random Doujinshi 3 category~

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations finished a new scanlation, Waiting For You To Cry, which can be found in the Durarara!! category~! Enjoy~ <3

~ All links have been converted, please let me know if you still encounter issues~
~ Direct Downloads in Chrome are possible again

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations finished a new scanlation, Fleeting, Ephemeral Still Image, which can be found in the Durarara!! category~! Enjoy~ <3
~ You must be new here, thanks for making my day~ <3

~ Currently there are issues with the direct download links which are caused by the server's conversion to https, please use Edge or Firefox rather than Chrome for the time being

~ Bye-bye newTumbl, you didn't last long

~ I've had to make several changes to the site, please let me know if you encounter any issues

~ Added Naruto Doujinshi

~ Happy Valentine's Day! <3

~ Happy New Year! <3

~ Merry Christmas! <3

~ Happy Halloween~! <3

~ Added Naruto Doujinshi

~ Added Hetalia, Ouran High School Host Club and Kuroshitsuji Doujinshi

~ Added Death Note Doujinshi

~ Added Hetalia and Death Note Doujinshi
~ The English Works category was removed due to the links being broken and me E-Mailing most of the people in vain. The few working links were uploaded to their corresponding categories.
~ It's been reported that FileFactory issues a (as far as I know) false malware alert, so if possible, please use a different host for the time being. The problem will be monitored, if FileFactory will not fix it the links will be removed.
~ We now also have an online reader for the Yaoi-Sei RAW scans

~ Added Death Note Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!! and Dead by Daylight Doujinshi

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations finished a new scanlation, Little Death, which can be found in the Durarara!! category~! Enjoy~ <3
~ We also now have an online reader for our scanlations~

~ So, my entire Tumblr has been flagged and can only be viewed through the dashboard. Thanks Tumblr.
Anyway, I'm setting up a Discord server~ ♥
I might also be back from my hiatus, but not able to scan anything as of right now, due to my scanner having committed suicide (no, this wasn't the reason for my hiatus).
If you wanna hang out, or request Doujinshi, join us in the Discord, or add me: Aroshie#6070
I'm also still growing my NewTumbl, so feel free to follow there as well~ ♥

~ Happy New Year! <3

~ Merry Christmas! <3

~ Happy Halloween~!

~ Happy Easter! <3

~ Happy Valentine's Day! <3

~ Happy New Year! I love you all~~ <3<3<3

~ Merry Christmas! <3

Soo~ I made a blog on NewTumbl, so feel free to follow me on there~
Right now it’s still completely empty, however, I will start crossposting to there and to Tumblr starting with my next upload~ <3
Hopefully this turns out to be an opportunity to freely enjoy Yaoi/NSFW content again~ <3

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!! and Naruto Doujinshi

~ Fixed links
~ Added Naruto and Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Fixed links

~ Happy Easter~! <3

~ Fixed links

~ Happy Valentine's Day! <3

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ I wish you all a Happy New Year! May all your dreams come true~! <3<3<3

~ I wish you all a Merry Christmas~! I hope you are all having a great time! <3

~ Fixed links
~ Added Boku no Hero Academia Doujinshi

~ Fixed links~
~ Also, sorry, Photobucket ruined the cover pics on Yaoi-Sei again, I really need to move everything off PB once I actually have time, they seem to really not want anyone to stay on there after all

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations finished a new scanlation, SWALLOWS, which can be found in the Durarara!! category~! Enjoy~ <3

~ Added Shingeki no Kyojin and Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!!, Haikyuu!!, JoJo and Gintama Doujinshi

~ Fixed links

~ Happy Easter~!

~ Added Durarara!! and Bungou Stray Dogs Doujinshi

~ Happy Valentine's Day~! <3

~ Happy New Year~! I wish you all the best~! <3

~ I wish you all a very Merry Christmas~! I love you all~! <3

~ Added Durarara!! and Voltron Doujinshi
~ Fixed links

~ Added Durarara!! and Yuri!!! on Ice Doujinshi

~ Happy Halloween~! <3

~ Added Durarara!!, Bungou Stray Dogs, Boku no Hero Academia, Ao no Exorcist, 91Days and Oregairu Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!!, 91Days, Bungou Stray Dogs and Angels of Death Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!!, Bungou Stray Dogs, Tokyo Ghoul, Yuri!!! on Ice and Death Note Doujinshi
~ Fixed links

~ Added Durarara!!, Tales of Vesperia, Shingeki no Kyojin, Ao no Exorcist, Boku no Hero Academia, K and Yuri!!! on Ice Doujinshi

~ Fixed links

~ Added Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Free!, Original, Shingeki no Kyojin and Yowamushi Pedal Doujinshi

~ Added Tokyo Ghoul, Shingeki no Kyojin and Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Tokyo Ghoul, Haikyuu!!, Shingeki no Kyojin and Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!!, Shingeki no Kyojin, Haikyuu!! and Tokyo Ghoul Doujinshi

~ Added Kuroko no Basket, Gintama and Shingeki no Kyojin Doujinshi

~ Added Free!, Haikyuu!!, Original, Fullmetal Alchemist, Yuri!! on Ice, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Fairy Tail, One Punch Man, Kuroko no Basket, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Gintama, Touken Ranbu, Ookiku Furikabutte, Durarara!!, Ao no Exorcist, Boku no Hero Academia, Kingdom Hearts, JoJo, Inazuma Eleven, Kimi to Boku, K, Hetalia, Prince of Tennis and Naruto Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!!, Saiyuki, Bleach and Haikyuu!! Doujinshi
~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations finished a new scanlation, On An Eve Night, which can be found in the Durarara!! category or on Tumblr/LJ, enjoy~! <3

~ Added Kuroko no Basket, Yuru Yuri, JoJo, Full Metal Alchemist, Hetalia, Shingeki no Kyojin, Pokémon and Tokyo Ghoul Doujinshi

~ Added Naruto Doujinshi
~ I'm attempting to upload everything I have on my HDD until the end of the year~ Please look forward to it!
~ I'm rushing things again, so please let me know if you notice any errors or broken links, thankies~ <3
~ Removed the sections without covers, because they are annoying to maintain. Please let me know if you find them necessary (because you can't view my site otherwise or something), and I'll consider putting them back up~
~ Thinking about making a new theme for Yaoi-Sei, which will either be Durarara!! or Tokyo Ghoul (probably), but that will come after I'm done with everything else (still open to suggestions), so probably toward the end of the year or something (no promises)
~ Removed categories that didn't have enough Doujinshi to justify their own category (Saiyuki, Bleach, Kyou Kara Maou, Togainu no Chi, Code Geass, Vocaloid) and bundled them all in a new category called Random Doujinshi 3 (I know I'm creative)
~ I'm aware there are more small categories, however, of those I have a lot I still need to upload, so the categories stay~
~ I still need to fix covers...

~ Added Durarara!!, Haikyuu!!, Kuroko no Basket, Tales of Vesperia, Ao no Exorcist, Danganronpa, Servamp, Nanatsu no Taizai, Shingeki no Kyojin, Gundam, Yuri!!! on Ice and Tokyo Ghoul Doujinshi

~ Added Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi
~ Fixed covers and links

~ Happy Easter to everyone! <3

~ Fixed links

~ Due to me being in Japan for a little longer than two weeks, I won't be able to post any updates and/or fix any links. You can still contact me via E-Mail or Tumblr, though, and I'll do my best at replying~ <3

~ Added Naruto, Bungou Stray Dogs, Durarara!!, Shingeki no Kyojin, Ao no Exorcist, Yuri!!! on Ice, Aoharu x Machinegun, One Punch Man and Servamp Doujinshi

~ Happy Valentine's Day! <3
~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations finished a new scanlation, Hang Out, which can be found in the Durarara!! category or on Tumblr/LJ, enjoy~ <3

~ Fixed covers
(I hope I get this done soon so I can work on updates again, damn Photobucket)

~ Fixed even more covers...

~ Fixed more covers...
(not posting these updates to Tumblr since it's boring)


~ Fixed covers

~ Happy New Year~! <3

~ I wish you all a very Merry Christmas~! <3

~ Added Net Neutrality banner. If you are encountering any issues, please let me know. If you are using an adblocker or scriptblocker, please white list Yaoi-Sei, since this is the only banner being displayed and it's important.
~ Yaoi-Sei usually does not get involved in political matters, but this is a war that all of us have to partake in, in order to win and preserve our established freedom.
~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations finished a new scanlation, You love me? You must be joking. 2, which can be found in the Durarara!! category or on Tumblr/LJ, enjoy~! <3

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations finished a new scanlation, id #2 Baroque Philia, which can be found in the Durarara!! category or on Tumblr/LJ, enjoy~! <3

~ Added One Piece, Durarara!!, Naruto, Shingeki no Kyojin, Boku no Hero Academia and Voltron Doujinshi
~ I started uploading my private collections, please look forward to more updates after New Years
~ Fixed more covers (will take a while to fix everything)
~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations finished a new scanlation, Bad Habit Bell, which can be found in the Durarara!! category or on Tumblr/LJ, enjoy~! <3

~ Added Durarara!!, Voltron, Shingeki no Kyojin, K, Free!, Naruto, Danganronpa, Baccano! and Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!!, Shokugeki no Soma and Yuri!!! on Ice Doujinshi
~ Fixed covers

~ Happy Halloween! I hope you are all having a spooky time and lots of fun! <3

~ Fixed links

~ Added Boku no Hero Academia and Durarara!! Doujinshi
~ The counter for links was removed, due to it becoming increasingly difficult to keep accurate

~ Fixed all covers, please let me know if you still see any broken ones

~ Started fixing broken covers
~ Added Durarara!!, Yuri!!! on Ice and Hoozuki no Reitetsu Doujinshi

~ Fixed all Death Note links

~ Fixed the images Imgur decreased the quality of, which was every image I uploaded in August, please let me know if you notice any other images with bad quality (or know why this happened...bug?)
~ Fixed a bunch of broken links

~ Fixed all Saiyuki links
~ Added DRRR!!, Bungou Stray Dogs, Yuri!!! on Ice, Ao no Exorcist and Shingeki no Kyojin Doujinshi

~ Fixed all Gintama links
~ Saiyuki Mega links are down too, please use Box
~ Please excuse the lack of updates while I fix the remaining links and covers

~ Fixed all Tiger & Bunny links, will fix Death Note and Gintama next, and after that I will fix the covers...~
~ Please let me know if you encounter any broken links

~ Well, looks like someone is targeting me again…~
The Death Note Mega links are down, please use Box for the time being until I moved everything to my own server…~

~ Added Kuroshitsuji Doujinshi

~ Well, Photobucket has disabled 3rd party hosting for free accounts some days ago, and is disabling the covers hosted on my accounts one by one.
Due to the massive amount of Photobucket accounts I have, it will take some days for me to fix all the covers and move them to a different host. Please excuse any broken covers for the time being.

~ Added Yuri!!! on Ice Doujinshi

~ Added Yuri!!! on Ice Doujinshi

~ Added DRRR!!, Yuri!!! on Ice, Hoozuki no Reitetsu, Magi, Shingeki no Kyojin, Boku no Hero Academia and Tiger & Bunny Doujinshi

~ All Tiger & Bunny links on Yaoi-Sei were reported and taken down by Mega, please use the Box links for the time being until I moved all the files to my server.
If you encounter any dead links outside of the Tiger & Bunny category, please let me know! 480 links in total were killed, which means some outside of that category must be affected, but because I can’t verify each link, and all I verified were T&B links, I currently do not know which are affected. Thank you!

~ Added Naruto, Durarara!! and Yuri!!! on Ice Doujinshi

~ Added K Doujinshi

~ Added K, Yuri and Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Shingeki no Kyojin, Durarara!!, Yuri!!! on Ice, One Punch Man, Pandora Hearts, Touken Ranbu, Diamond no Ace, Hoozuki no Reitetsu and Yowamushi Pedal Doujinshi


~ Added Tokyo Ghoul category
~ Added Tokyo Ghoul and Gintama Doujinshi
~ Fixed the covers Photobucket broke for some reason, please let me know if you notice any others

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added DRAMAtical Murder, Death Note, Bungou Stray Dogs, Free! and Psycho-Pass Doujinshi

~ Added Kuroshitsuji Doujinshi

~ Seems that LadyPhantomhive went down for good, their server died. I always hoped they would come back from their (very sudden) hiatus but…~
Anyway, because I was being an affiliate of them, I was using their links. Now that they don’t lead anywhere, please try to avoid clicking on any LP download links on Yaoi-Sei, they are marked as such. I’m reuploading all of their scanlations to my own server right now.

~ Added Durarara!! and Yuri!!! on Ice Doujinshi

~ Added Yuri!!! on Ice and Durarara!! Doujinshi
~ Added Yuri!!! on Ice category

~ Added Death Note, Vocaloid, Durarara!!, Touken Ranbu, Yuri!!! on Ice, Shingeki no Kyojin, Gintama, Mushishi, Days and Free! Doujinshi

~ Added Kuroshitsuji, Death Note, Shingeki no Kyojin and Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Yuri!!! on Ice Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Shingeki no Kyojin and Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ The Random Doujinshi category has been split, due to over one thousand Doujinshi uploaded to it making it extremely slow. If you can't find a certain series, please check the other part of the section.
~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Yowamushi Pedal, K, Loveless, Brave 10, DRAMAtical Murder, Kuroshitsuji, Durarara!!, Prince of Tennis, Yuri!!! on Ice, Haikyuu!!, Touken Ranbu, Free!, Mushishi, Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE!, Hoozuki no Reitetsu and Shingeki no Kyojin Doujinshi

~ Added Free!, Shingeki no Kyojin, Haikyuu!! and Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi

~ Added Death Note Doujinshi

~ Added Haikyuu!! Doujinshi

~ Added Tokyo Ghoul, Kuroko no Basket, Natsume Yuujinchou and Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ All dead links were fixed, please let me know if you still encounter any problems

~ From now on the updates info will also be posted to Tumblr, just to make sure no one misses the new Doujinshi~ <3
~ Added Durarara!!, Fate/Zero, Free!, Shingeki no Kyojin, Hoozuki no Reitetsu, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Death Note, Kuroko no Basket, Uta no Prince-sama, Code Geass, K, Hikaru no Go, Magi, Ao no Exorcist, Tokyo Ghoul, Kingdom Hearts, Yowamushi Pedal, Samurai Flamenco, Hellsing, Natsume Yuujinchou, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gintama, Haikyuu!!, Yuri, One Piece and Yuri!!! on Ice Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations finished two new projects, which can be found in the Durarara!! and Kuroshitsuji categories. We hope you'll enjoy them and wish you all a Happy New Year!

~ Upon a personal request, I added some Tales of Zestiria Doujinshi, enjoy~ <3

~ Yaoi-Sei is officially back from hiatus! As a Christmas/New Year surprise, our Scanlation team worked hard to finish all the projects we were working on before our hiatus. They can be found in the Durarara!! and Kuroshitsuji categories. We hope you'll enjoy them! :)
~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations need a new Japanese translator in order to continue working on projects, as well as a dedicated editor, if you are interested, please contact me via E-Mail, LJ or Tumblr, thankies~ <3
~ In the upcoming weeks, I will fix every single broken download link on this site
~ To celebrate Yaoi-Sei's 10th Anniversary in 2017, I will work hard to upload many of the Doujinshi on my HDD, which should be a few thousand
~ I will also start again to post daily Doujinshi to my Tumblr once I organized my HDD a little, probably sometime in January
~ I'm a little out of the loop when it comes to new shows, therefore it will be best if you tell me from which shows you want to see additions in the future <3
~ I took down the Love/Hate mails counter, I'm too lazy to keep it updated and I also think I've made my point pretty clear, for everyone who doubted that I actually do receive more Love than Hate mails~ ;)
~ Also, as of now, I'd like you to tell me which of the Doujinshi hosted on Yaoi-Sei you'd like to see on my Tumblr. I have so many Doujinshi on here and have no idea which ones would be people's priority to see on Tumblr, so please let me know.
~ Last but not least, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! <3 <3

~ Added an original Doujinshi which can be found in the "English Works" category, enjoy~ <3
~ I also received some mails about broken links, so in case you find any, please let me know, thankies~

~ Happy Halloween! I wish you all a spooky time~ <3

Yaoi-Sei, as well as the scanlation team and my Tumblr, will be on indefinite hiatus from now on. As I said before, I will still try to keep the links on Yaoi-Sei working, so please visit the main website for links if a Tumblr file gets deleted, and keep informing me of broken links.

I hope to someday upload all Doujinshi on my HDD and release all scanlations my team worked on, but I have no idea when that will be.

Thanks for your continuous support and love, I love you all~ <3

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi


~ I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! May your upcoming year be filled with happiness and lots of Yaoi yumminess~! <3
~ Once again I want to thank all my supporters and followers for your continuous well-wishes and love, it is very much appreciated~ <3 <3

~ All of the Durarara!! category has been moved to my server, so all links are working again and can be accessed via Direct Download. If you encounter any broken links or errors, please do not hesitate to contact me, thank you~ <3

~ Semi Hiatus. I will still keep links working and add new Doujinshi when I find the time for it, but for a while I cannot focus on Yaoi-Sei much, this also includes my Tumblr and Yaoi-Sei Scanlations. Of course I will still reply to Tumblr messages and E-Mails. Our team will also continue working on projects, and I hope to be back with new Doujinshi. Thanks for the support of everyone, I love you all~ <3

~ Added Haikyuu!! Doujinshi

~ All links have been fixed. If you notice anything that's wrong, please don't hesitate to contact me~

~ Shingeki no Kyojin Mega links are down, please use Box for the time being. The links will be fixed as soon as possible.

~ Added Naruto Doujinshi


~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ Added Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!! and Gintama Doujinshi

~ Added Kuroko no Basket, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and Shingeki no Kyojin Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi
~ I'll from now use Twitter additionally to inform people of updates
~ Thanks for the quick help with the unknown titles~! My visitors are great~~ <3

~ Added Durarara!! and Vampire Knight Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi

~ The Random Doujinshi category is finally up and running, enjoy~ <3
~ With this, Yaoi-Sei has been completely rebuilt with a lot of new additions, all categories are now online and I'll focus on updating them~

~ Added Free! Doujinshi

~ Added Shingeki no Kyojin, Fullmetal Alchemist and Free! Doujinshi
~ Currently sorting through the Random Doujinshi category, it will hopefully be up in January or February. It will consist of Doujinshi I stumbled across that don't have their own category, 900+ Doujinshi.

~ Added Durarara!!, Free!, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Bleach, Death Note, Kyou kara Maou!, Naruto and Haikyuu!! Doujinshi

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations finished a special Christmas release, Bartender-Clad Santa Claus, which can be found in the Durarara!! section. Enjoy and Merry Christmas~! <3

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations released a new project, Itsudemo Issyo, which can be found in the Free! category, enjoy~ <3

~ Added Free! and Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations released a new project, Nauseating Anthem, which can be found in the Durarara!! category, enjoy~ <3

~ Added Haikyuu!! category

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations released a new project, Saishuu Heiki 180cm-kyuu Heichou, which can be found in the Shingeki no Kyojin category, enjoy~ <3

~ Added Durarara!!, Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist Doujinshi

~ Hiatus ended sooner than expected, regular updates will be resumed within the upcoming days~ <3

~ Yaoi-Sei and Yaoi-Sei Scanlations are on hiatus for an indefinite time. Please enjoy the available Doujinshi until then. Have fun everyone~ <3

~ Some LadyPhantomhive links seem to be down. I've been fixing the ones I noticed. In case you come across any more broken links, please let me know~

~ Added Durarara!! and Shingeki no Kyojin Doujinshi
~ CI Yaoi has been reopened

~ Added Gintama, Psycho-Pass, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Durarara!! and Bleach Doujinshi

~ Added Durarara!!, Kuroko no Basket, Free!, Shingeki no Kyojin, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Tiger & Bunny, Bleach, K, Yuri, Hetalia and Kuroshitsuji Doujinshi
~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations released a new Doujinshi, Mimimi, which can be found in the Durarara!! section, enjoy~ <3

~ Our team's scanlations have been reposted to Tumblr, so you can view them online again, enjoy~ <3
~ We're also currently recruiting to enhance our team, please check here for more info~

~ Well, I'm still a very whimsical person, therefore, same as two years ago, I got very bored of everything and I almost took Yaoi-Sei down again, which is why my Tumblr/Twitter was gone for a few days. However, due to me being even more bored without it, you don't have to worry. Things just became very repetitive and I lost interest for a moment there, but I put too much effort in Yaoi-Sei's resurrection to just repeat the closure of two years ago~ <3
~ My Twitter is activated again, along with my Tumblr and secondary Tumblr, and I will return to posting daily Doujinshi as soon as I can~ <3
~ On a side note, I will attempt to upload a few thousand new Doujinshi until the end of the year, so please look forward to that~

~ Server transfer has been completed and all files have been reuploaded, enjoy~ <3

~ My domain is currently in the process of being transferred, and I will reupload the files which are currently offline once the transfer is finished.

~ Due to a problem with my server, all files hosted on it are disabled until I switch providers. I will attempt to set it back up in the following days, but it might take a little longer depending on which steps will be necessary to take.
~ Because of the server being disabled, I will not be able to move the cover images, therefore I'm stuck with Photobucket and their limited bandwidth for a little longer. I will fix all of this within a hopefully short timeframe.

~ Added Free! Doujinshi which were kindly provided by sabapple, thank you~

~ The Yuri category is now online, enjoy~ <3
~ Before uploading the last category, I will focus on updating the existing categories for a while, since I've been pretty much neglecting that~ So please look forward to hundreds of new Doujinshi~ <3

~ Vocaloid is now online, enjoy~ <3
~ Yuri will be up next

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations released a Free! Doujinshi, Makoreipu, which is in full-color and uncensored, and can be found in the Free! section~ Enjoy~ <3

~ Fate/Zero is now up, enjoy~ <3
~ Vocaloid will be up next

~ All Kuroshitsuji files were moved to my own server. Bandwidth is unlimited. If the server causes problems, I will switch hosts. So let me know if you encounter any problems, thanks~
~ None of the other categories had their files moved, due to it being stupid to replace working links. If links die, the files will be moved.
~ All upcoming categories and future uploads will be hosted on my server.
~ If Photobucket keeps acting stupid because my 40 accounts aren't enough and I still keep exceeding my bandwidth, I will move the covers as well, because I'm not very fond of paying for an image service that removes PG-12 images.

~ I'm having the same problem I had two years ago. Kuroshitsuji files are getting deleted on any host, they don't even last a week anymore. I will try to come up with something. Perhaps I will finally get an own server~
~ Someone requested the whole series of the FMA Doujinshi "Cats on Maes", therefore all parts can be found in the FMA category now~
~ Update: Currently setting up my own server~ <3

~ Kuroshitsuji Mega links were replaced with ZippyShare links

~ I promised to finish it this month, so here we go...Gintama is now online~ Enjoy~ <3
~ Fate/Zero will be up next

~ The Katekyo Hitman Reborn! section is now online, enjoy~ <3
~ Gintama will be up next
~ Just a quick heads up, the Kuroshitsuji Mega links have a "habit" of breaking every 2-3 weeks, so if you encounter a broken link, simply use the Box link for the time being or wait until I replaced the Mega links~
If you encounter broken links in other sections, or there's a file that simply isn't getting fixed, please message me~

~ Yaoi-Sei's first scanlation in 2014, an uncensored version of Cicatrix, has been released and can be found in the Durarara!! category. Enjoy and Happy Easter~ <3

~ The Hetalia category is now online~ Enjoy~ <3
~ The 2011 Yaoi Christmas Special has been added as well and can be found in the Hetalia section.
~ Katekyo Hitman Reborn! will be up next.
~ One of my visitors wasn't able to download the Kuroshitsuji files for some reason, so I split and uploaded the whole category to here and here, in case anyone else is interested.
~ I made all old translations and cleaned RAWs that I have publicly available, they are now up for scanlation if anyone feels like doing it; I figured our team will be working on new projects anyway. I updated the files so they are already included. If you scanlate any of the Doujinshi, let me know so I can replace the links with the scanlated version. Have fun~ <3

~ Added two Rauhreif Doujinshi, Donner (Thunder) and Jigoku no Yourupukki, in the Naruto category; of course I'm looking for people willing to help me scanlate them. Thanks for the donations~ <3

~ The Tiger & Bunny category is now online~!
~ Due to popular demand, the Hetalia category will be up next, but might take a bit of time.

~ Due to me not being able to post proper updates to Yaoi-Sei right now, I will be posting daily Doujinshi on my Tumblr, which haven't been uploaded to Yaoi-Sei yet~ Check it out~ :)
~ Recruitment for my team also has been re-opened~

~ The Kuroko no Basket category is now online, enjoy~ <3

~ Added a Death Note Doujinshi (From a small Town 3) and a scanlation of Rauhreif's Shinigami no Hatsukoi in the Naruto section. Thanks for the donations~ :)
~ Also, there probably won't be many updates as long as not all categories are online, because that's what I'm mainly working on at the moment.

~ Yaoi-Sei has been re-opened.
~ My E-Mail and LJ have been reactivated. For broken links, errors and so on, please contact me.
~ Yaoi-Sei now also has a shiny new Twitter, so check it for updates, or feel free to hit me (up with a message)~
~ I had to leave some categories offline, simply because they took too much effort for me to handle with the time I had left. The alternative would have been to postpone the reopening, so I decided for this variant. However, I will be hopefully finishing them within the upcoming weeks~ Please ignore broken category (not download) links for now~ You can check the status of the categories here~
~ 2011 Christmas Specials have been added as permanent downloads here and here. *still offline*
~ Added new categories: Kuroko no Basket, K, Tiger & Bunny, Vocaloid, Gintama, Code Geass, Fate/Zero, Psycho-Pass, Free! and Shingeki no Kyojin.
~ All files have been changed from .RAR to .ZIP files.
~ Added new Doujinshi in all existing categories.
~ All Doujinshi ever shared within CI Yaoi have been embedded into Yaoi-Sei. Manga can be requested here.
~ My complete Death Note Doujinshi collection has been uploaded. In case you have a Doujinshi that I'm missing, or an english scanlation of a RAW that I posted, please let me know~
~ All categories now have covers and ratings (yay, you can now gauge the degree of sex in them prior to downloading). If you are on a slow internet connection, there's also the possibility to view the page without covers by visiting the category and clicking on "View without covers". If you notice anything wrong with the ratings or any other info, please contact me, thanks.
~ Yaoi-Sei has been turned into a pure Doujinshi site. The old miscellaneous uploads (Artbooks, CGs, Calendars, Manga, etc.) have all been put here and here for free access. Here's a list of the files that are supposed to be uploaded. If you can't find what you are looking for, please drop me a message.
~ The Shaman King and Samurai Champloo categories have been merged with the Random Doujinshi category, since there simply isn't enough supply to justify separate categories (and because the sidebar was getting kinda long). *still offline*
~ Two "new" projects have been finished by Yaoi-Sei Scanlations and can be found in the corresponding categories or here or here or here or here~ ;)
~ Total count of Doujinshi hosted on this website is currently at 2295, while 4016 files are awaiting upload.

~ Yaoi-Sei Resurrection Countdown is set in motion.
~ Aroshie-sama is working hard to get everything working again.

~ Aroshie-sama is very bored ~

~ Yaoi-Sei goes on indefinite hiatus after all remaining files and re-uploads on MediaFire have been removed due to the closure of my account. Including the files previously hosted on Megaupload and Megaporn, 2711 files in total were deleted; 98% of Yaoi-Sei.
~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations go on indefinite hiatus.

~ Added Hetalia Doujinshi.

~ Kuroshitsuji section down until further notice (or until I figured out a way around it). It's impossible right now to find a host that won't delete them in a matter of a few hours. I don't know what the problem with Kuroshitsuji is. On my Badongo account I was hosting Anime for 5 years without any problems, last week I uploaded a few Kuroshitsuji Doujinshi there and now they shut down my whole account. In case you know a safe host, please contact me.

~ The Christmas Specials have been taken down.
~ Due to the many E-Mails I received regarding the closure of Yaoi-Sei, I have decided against closing. As a result, there won't be any updates for a while because I will be busy re-building the site. Please do not send me E-Mails to tell me that the Megaupload/Megaporn links are dead, I know that. All files that are currently dead will be moved to MediaFire with the exception of Kuroshitsuji files. The good news are, that this means I will get MediaFire Pro and therefore Direct Downloads for all files that are hosted on MediaFire.

~ Added Kuroshitsuji Doujinshi.

~ The long-awaited Scanlation of Rauhreif's Tenshi no Hika (Angelic Elegy) has finally been released! Happy New Year!

~ The Christmas Specials are up, get them while you can! Merry Christmas!

~ Added Kuroshitsuji and Hetalia Doujinshi.
~ A new category called English Works has been added. You can find it by visiting the Other Yaoi section. This new category features Doujinshi and Manga created by non-japanese artists. Everyone can join!

~ Added Kuroshitsuji Doujinshi.

~ Added Hetalia Doujinshi.

~ Added Death Note Doujinshi.

~ Added Hetalia and Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Doujinshi.

~ Added Naruto Doujinshi.

~ Added Naruto Doujinshi.

~ Added Hetalia Doujinshi.

~ Added Shounen Maid Kuro-kun Manga.

~ Added D.Gray-man, Vampire Knight, Code Geass and .hack//G.U. Doujinshi.

~ Added Pandora Hearts Doujinshi.

~ Added Bakuman Doujinshi.

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations released a new Hetalia Doujinshi Scanlation, "Aftergame", which can be found in the Hetalia section.

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations released a new Hetalia Doujinshi Scanlation, "Ah, man!", which can be found in the Hetalia section.

~ Added Tiger & Bunny Doujinshi.

~ Added Tiger & Bunny Doujinshi.

~ Added Ao no Exorcist Doujinshi.

~ Added Death Note Doujinshi.

~ Added Hetalia Doujinshi.

~ Added Durarara!!, Togainu no Chi, Kuroshitsuji, Naruto, Death Note and Hetalia Doujinshi.

~ Added Durarara!! Doujinshi.

~ Added Devil may cry Doujinshi.

~ Added Lamento, Durarara!!, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and Kuroshitsuji Doujinshi.

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations released a new Hetalia Doujinshi Scanlation, "Only it", which can be found in the Hetalia section.

~ Added Hetalia and Death Note Doujinshi.

~ Added Hetalia Doujinshi.

~ Added Hetalia and Naruto Doujinshi.

~ Added Kuroshitsuji Doujinshi.

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations released a new Kuroshitsuji Doujinshi Scanlation, "Akumade Anata wo XXshitai", which can be found in the Kuroshitsuji section.

~ Added Hetalia, Persona 4, Sengoku BASARA, Shiki and Star Driver Doujinshi.

~ Added Death Note Doujinshi.

~ Added Kuroshitsuji, Death Note and Durarara!! Doujinshi.

~ Added Kuroshitsuji Doujinshi.

~ Added Hetalia Doujinshi.

~ Added Kuroshitsuji Doujinshi.

~ Added Kuroshitsuji, Hetalia and Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Doujinshi.

~ Added Death Note Doujinshi.

~ Added Hetalia and Death Note Doujinshi.

~ Yaoi-Sei Scanlations released a new Hetalia Doujinshi Scanlation, "That's just Prejudice", which can be found in the Hetalia section.

~ Added Death Note Doujinshi.


~ Added+updated Hetalia, Durarara!! and Katekyo Hitman Reborn! categories.
~ Added FMA, Kuroshitsuji, Togainu no Chi, Loveless, Wild Adapter, Naruto, Soul Eater, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Bleach, D.Gray-man, Death Note and Gravitation Doujinshi.
~ The Anime section is removed, but if you want any Episodes/OVAs/Movies of Death Note, Saiyuki or Fullmetal Alchemist, just send me an E-Mail and I will give you the Download links.
~ The new design is finally up and running. I hope you like it. Happy New Year!