Fullmetal Alchemist Yaoi Doujinshi Downloads

Total Doujinshi in this category: 207

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If you know of any FMA Doujinshi by IDEA, Rock'n'Dolless or GD-MECHANO which are not yet hosted here, contact me with the link, thanks!

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Title: Chase!
Pairing: Envy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Beans Kingdom
Pairing: Envy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Heiderich + AlEd
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
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Title: AlEd 1 - Rain
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: AlEd 2 - Pure Heart
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: AlEd 3 - Oasis
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: AlEd 4 - Cross
Pairing: Alfons x Edward/Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
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Title: AlEd 6 - My important Person
Pairing: Alfons x Edward/Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
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Title: AlEd 7
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
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Title: PaPa + EdAl
Pairing: Edward x Alphonse/Hohenheim x Alphonse
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: EdAl 1 - Snow
Pairing: Edward x Alphonse
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: EdAl 2 - Monologue
Pairing: Edward x Alphonse
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: EdAl 4 - Link
Pairing: Edward x Alphonse/Alfons x Alphonse
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: EdAl 5 - Eternal Eyes
Pairing: Edward x Alfons
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: EdAl 7 - Only my younger Brother
Pairing: Edward x Alphonse
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: And the Gods laughed
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
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Title: Akudo Asobi
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Kago wa Tori
Pairing: Roy x Edward/Envy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: A distant Day's Song
Pairing: Roy x Hughes/Edward x Alphonse
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: A Family's Portrait (Kazoku no Shouzou)
Pairing: Hohenheim x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
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Title: Alchemist Handbook
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Roy x Havoc
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Alchemic Soul
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Ame to Atsui Tenohira to
Pairing: Hughes x Roy
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Anata no Inu ni Naritai
Pairing: Roy x Edward/Roy + Hughes x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Anibaka Bakaani 1 (Nisabaka Bakanisa)
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Anibaka Bakaani 2
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Anibaka Bakaani 3 (Nise Baka Baka Nise)
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Zenrakyu 2nd Letter
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Super Elric Bros 1
Pairing: Edward x Roy/Scar x Roy
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Super Elric Bros 2
Pairing: Roy x Envy
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Super Elric Bros -The Movie-
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese

Title: Darker than Darkness
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Envy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Solitary Cell
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: The Creator
Pairing: Envy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Shotamon
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward x Alphonse/Alphonse x Edward x Sig
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: I'll tie you up
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Unknown
Pairing: Greed x Envy
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
Note: If you know the title of this Doujinshi, please send me an E-Mail, thanks.
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Title: Soul Gasoline
Pairing: Dorchette x Greed
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Dark Angel
Pairing: Envy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
Note: Incomplete. Alphonse x Edward part only.
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Title: Omake
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Winter Maze
Pairing: Roy x Edward/Envy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
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Title: A
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Ame Futatsu
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Ame Nochi Hare
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Anata to Suki Toka Kirai Toka
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Ai no Bakudan
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: A Story
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: 2 sweet 2 be forgotten (2sweet+2be=4gotten)
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Neko-mimi Renkinjutsushi
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Amaoto Discord
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: A good Medicine
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
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Title: Utakata
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Two
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Träumerei
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Tenshi Wake Mae
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Tears in Heaven
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Tears in Heaven (different story)
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Super Ordinary Sex
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: We came back from the other Side of forbidden Door
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Soft Machine
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Planetarium
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Not found
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: Thai
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Title: Lux Veritas
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: If you're waiting for Tomorrow
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: The Muscles in my Body are also Machines
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Graceful Degradation
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
Note: Sequel to MP.
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Title: Fragile
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
Note: Sequel to Graceful Degradation.
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Title: Chu Chu
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Cold Cheeks
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Hitori Asobi
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Future Plans
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Kanohi
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Sugar Milky Baby
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Jintaimokei
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Doppelgänger
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Alfons x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Linus
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Memento Mori
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Living Will
Pairing: Alfons x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Cigarette
Pairing: Hughes x Roy/Roy x Havoc
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Yasashii Kiss wo Shite
Pairing: Hughes x Roy
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: 0-Zero
Pairing: Alfons x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Jack no Yuutsu
Pairing: Hughes x Roy
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Fifty Fifty (50% & 50%)
Pairing: Roy x Edward/Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Love me tender
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Roy x Edward/Roy x Havoc
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Gunji Kimitsu Rensei File
Pairing: Various
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Stray Cat Strut
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Strawberry Sex
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Strangler Vine
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Shonen Hanzai Report (Criminal Boy Report)
Pairing: Edward x Roy
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Mischievous God
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Angel Fish no Namida
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Argent (Ehoba Side)
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Limit
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Marshmallow
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Sekai no Katasumi
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Watashi no Oniichan
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Blue Flame 1
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Blue Flame 2 - Deep Reverb
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Blue Flame 3 - Sinful Contact
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Blue Flame 4 - Next Restraint
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Hotel
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Kantayoku no Tenshi (The Angel of One Wings)
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Fall in Love Alchemist
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Taisa no Itoshita Rensei Shi
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Dolce
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Kagami no Nai Heya
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Milk
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Night Flyer
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Nowhere Man
Pairing: Alfons x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Scarlet on the Tile
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Roy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Sink, slow down-slow down.
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Sombre Dimanche (Gloomy Sunday)
Pairing: Random Guy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Nightingale (1/5)
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Precious Wonder 1 (2/5)
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
Note: Sequel to Nightingale.
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Title: Precious Wonder 2 (3/5)
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Precious Wonder 3 (4/5)
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Delikatessen
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Deracine
Pairing: Alfons x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Giselle
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Miniaturegarden
Pairing: Alphonse x Female!Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: MP - Metamorphose/Planetarium
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Oasis
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Alfons x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: The perfect World
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Helios
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Stigma
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Wish 2
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Hermaphrodite 1-10 (incomplete)
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
Note: The last two chapters of volume 10 are missing. If you happen to have the complete version of this Doujinshi, please send me an E-Mail, thanks.

Title: Hotel Uchouten
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Pink Porno
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Aperitif
Pairing: Hughes x Roy
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Kyvadlo, jama a nadeje
Pairing: Hughes x Roy
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Three Piece (3Piece)
Pairing: Roy + Havoc x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Freefall
Pairing: Hughes x Roy
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Forbidden Lover
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Sensei Kougeki
Pairing: Edward x Roy/Edward x Russell/Roy x Russell
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Yggdrasil
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Obscene Act 1-7 (4+5 missing)
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
Note: If you happen to have the 4th or 5th, in any language, please send me an E-Mail, thanks.
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Title: Wishing forever on the Moon
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Zetsukai (Absolute Boundary)
Pairing: Hughes x Roy
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Vampire Night
Pairing: Edward x Roy
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Bara Iro no Hibi (Distinct Colors of Daily Life)
Pairing: Edward x Roy
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Honey Hunt
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Bukiyou na Koi Mikansei na Koi
Pairing: Edward x Roy
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Desire
Pairing: Edward x Roy
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Hodokareta Mune
Pairing: Edward x Roy
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Ikenai Kotokai
Pairing: Hughes x Havoc x Roy
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Paparacha
Pairing: Kimblee x Greed
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Precious Love
Pairing: Envy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: School Days; EDWARD in BLUE
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Hagane Nonoya
Pairing: Greed x Edward x Envy
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Fruits of Chaos (The Red Beast Master & The Black Beast)
Pairing: Envy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Coffin
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Mukuro
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Greed x Lust
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
Note: Sequel to Coffin.
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Title: Thorn
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Glare
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Shiawase [Happiness]
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
Note: Cover was missing so here's a separate link.
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Title: Mitsuami
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Eine Kleine
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English

Title: R18
Pairing: Manga!Pride x Roy/Manga!Wrath x Roy
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Bare Facts
Pairing: Edward x Alphonse
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Ame Oto
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Camp Out
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Hajimete no Chuu
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Boku no Kachi!
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Ore no Kachi!
Pairing: Edward x Alphonse
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Honey is sweet but not as sweet as you.
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Equal
Pairing: Edward x Alphonse
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Dependence
Pairing: Hughes x Roy/Havoc x Roy
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Whereabouts
Pairing: Edward x Alphonse
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
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Title: Saiwai ni Shite Tsumi no Katachi
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Face of Fact
Pairing: Edward x Alphonse
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Love Brace
Pairing: Edward x Alphonse
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Wadachi Saemonai Michi
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: A empty Vessel
Pairing: Alphonse x Ling
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
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Title: Sweet Silence
Pairing: Ling x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Love Bug
Pairing: Ling x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Souten Requiem
Pairing: Havoc x Roy
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Sayonara no Kawari ni
Pairing: Ling x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: L/R
Pairing: Roy x Edward/Ling x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: Japanese
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Title: Too late, too little
Pairing: Hughes x Roy/Edward x Alphonse
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Akai Hi Aoi Honou - Part 1
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Boku wa Kimi ga Suki
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
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Title: Cats on Maes 1
Pairing: Hughes x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Cats on Maes 2
Pairing: Hughes x Edward/Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Cats on Maes 2.5
Pairing: Hughes x Edward/Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Cats on Maes 3
Pairing: Hughes x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Innocence
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Forbidden Heaven
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: Japanese
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Title: Gargoyle (In the Garden locked by Gargoyle.)
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English

Title: Skin Flick
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Wita Sex Alice
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward/Alfons x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Est! Est!! Est!!!
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Re;mechano #1
Pairing: Hughes x Roy
Rating: R-15
Language: Japanese
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Title: Re;mechano #2
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: Chinese
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Title: Solitude
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English
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Title: Zankyou Kieru Made
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Senkou (Flash) - 閃光
Pairing: Hughes x Roy
Rating: R-18
Language: English
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Title: Edward Gnaw Label
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English

Title: Image of Spider
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-18
Language: English

Title: Evergreen
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English

Title: Tranquilizer
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English

Title: Julia
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English

Title: Quiet Reunion
Pairing: Edward x Alphonse
Rating: PG-12
Language: English

Title: Munich 1921 - Part 1-2
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English

Title: You are my Only
Pairing: Roy x Edward
Rating: R-15
Language: English

Title: Progress
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English
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Title: Frozen
Pairing: Alphonse x Edward
Rating: PG-12
Language: English


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