Note: Only the Doujinshi marked with "YS/Yaoi-Sei" were scanned/scanlated by me/my team. I'm not claiming anything as my own, just spreading the Love of Yaoi~ Let me know if you want to scanlate any of them so I can provide you with the HQ scans and/or host your scanlation~! I generally grant all re-translation requests, just keep the original credits intact, thanks~ All characters depicted on this website are of legal age.

I do not claim anything as my own/take falsely credit for anything that my team did not scan/scanlate. Never did, never will.
If you believe I do and enjoy spreading rumors so much, why don't you back it up with some proof? Oh, too bad, impossible to have proof of something that never happened.
All you can do is keep lying then, or, start speaking the truth? But that would require more than the coward's way of stupidity.

I am not responsible for scanners/scanlators that forgot to include a credits page.

I'm a bitch on a daily basis, why don't you pick something I actually did do to get so worked up about~
Oh wait, it's because when scanlation teams/their mindless followers hear the word "thief" they will all line up behind you without asking any further questions, isn't it? At least, that's your plan. Doesn't seem to work though, like so many other things in your life.
Or do you actually believe your own words? In that case, I fear you can't be helped. Maybe all your made-up rules made you become lost to the most obvious things? I'd say you lost all credibility, but you never had any.
You should really read this page, it's all neatly explained below~

- 2024


This was written in 2013, I'm aware a lot of things aren't relevant anymore, now with scans being easily available and all. But as I said before, I prefer the quality of the original files over online readers. There aren't many scanlators hiding behind closed communities anymore, which is why my main focus shifted from uploading doujinshi to actually scanning+scanlating them. Doesn't mean I won't upload them anymore though~ ;)

And yes, the design needs an overhaul.

- 2022


I created this website in 2007, with the intention to make the life of fangirls/fanboys easier.
When I got into the Yaoi genre myself, I felt it was kinda hard to find certain things, especially Doujinshi. I came across many unorganized sites with outdated download links. Also, as a beginner, sites like LiveJournal confused the hell out of me and it took quite some time until I found my way through things.

So, after I collected some Doujinshi myself, mainly Death Note ones, I thought it might be a good idea to share my collection. At first, I was hosting my few Doujinshi on the club site of my former girlfriend, but when she shut her site down I created my own. And thus, Yaoi-Sei was born. I never had any ill intentions, and was honestly quite shocked at the reactions I encountered.

Sadly, ever since, some people got very angry at me for opening this site. They forced me to take some Doujinshi down and I, even though very unhappy about this, did so, to keep myself from further trouble. One of the people who asked was a friend, who was the one that scanned said Doujinshi, so I took them down.
But later on, more people, sometimes in a very rude manner, wanted to order me to take most of my files down.

What's a site without content?

So, in the end, I just thought, "screw them".
I'm not taking anything down anymore, unless for the following reasons; I will only take it down when the person who drew it asks me to, or when the original uploader can guarantee me that the file will be publicly accessible, without the annoyance of membership and password.
I'm sick of the riddles, wrong passwords and overall contriving attitude.
Because, scanners/editors/translators own no copyright to those Doujinshi, and therefore have no right to allow/forbid distribution of the material. I always found it kinda amusing when certain people thought they could control what's on my site just because they uploaded the Doujinshi somewhere else first.

My quote: "Don't put it on the internet if you don't want people to take it".
It's as simple as that.
People do "steal" pictures, icons, Doujinshi and anything else they see on a website, it's just the way it is.
No matter how much you rage and try to control the internet, just face it: you can't control it.

Some people even went as far as to talk bad about me behind my back, saying I was rude to them along with claiming I do everything out of spite, even though they were the ones who sent me rude E-Mails. They even said I ignore E-Mails, which I consider an insult, because I never ignored any E-Mails in my entire life (unlike most other people).

I always paid attention to what people think/say and I really tried to please everybody, but now I really couldn't care any less; it simply doesn't make a difference to me if I'm loved or hated. I won't be defined by words nor opinions.

Sometimes people are just impossible to please, no matter what you do.
As long as the credits pages aren't removed (and I would never do such a thing), I don't see a problem.
If you believe that I don't give enough credit to the scanner/scanlator, then let me tell you that I don't even credit the Doujinka.
Besides, it's up to the scanners/scanlators to put their credits inside the file, if they fail to do that, it simply isn't my problem.

In my opinion the moaners should feel honored that people like their stuff enough to save it on their computer and even go to the trouble of sharing it, after all their work is more appreciated when more people see it. But they are always so negative about everything.
Also, what's the point in bending your book and scanning it if nobody sees it?
Besides that, I put a lot of effort in this site (even though people like to call me lazy because I'm "stealing" their stuff; where's the logic there?). The rebuilding alone took several months of working on it everyday, but, I am very lazy indeed~ ;)

Sometimes people asked me why I re-upload everything instead of copying links. Well, that's because when I opened my site, people mailed me, saying, "if you want to share our stuff, upload it to your own account, instead of using our bandwidth!", so I did, hoping people would be less angry (such a foolish hope).
Also, this extra work I'm putting myself through ("and not getting any money for!!!", as some teams like to insert while putting advertisements on each link; I even saw some group put up an advertisement link that led to yet another advertisement page. Entertainment is all the payment I need~) also prevents broken links. None of my links expired in years, and if there are corrupt files I have them fixed within 24 hours after people telling me (yes, it's actually possible to contact me and talk to me, unlike with other uploaders).
In most communities links never get fixed, or it takes weeks. Simply nobody cares if they are working or not, and then all you can do is to hope for another member to re-upload them because the maintainers are too lazy (which is also the case with most sites).
But in special cases I am using the already existing links, because the original uploaders wish for that and actually allow me to host their stuff.
Furthermore, many Doujinshi on my site aren't available anywhere else anymore, and/or are hard to access. Therefore, I'm trying my best at keeping links working and fulfilling requests.

Also, people like to tell me to "go read the rules", well, I used to read them, but they make no sense to me, therefore I simply ignore them now.
"Don't share!", why not? If 100 people or 1000 people download a file, where exactly is the difference?
If you want to share it, then do it properly. If you don't want to share it, well, then simply don't. If you only want your friends to see it, well, then send the link to your friends only and don't put it on the World Wide Web.

It seems to me as though certain people only want the benefits (aka the gratitude and fellowship of their members), without taking the risks and facing the potential consequences of their actions.
If you are so worried about staying under the radar, how about you simply disappear? That way, you will stay under the radar for sure.

Complaints I came across recently often included, "you don't ask for permission!", well, that's because I don't need to ask for permission.
Besides, did the scanners/scanlators ask for the Doujinka's permission? Just, what exactly makes you think that you have more rights than the Doujinka? What exactly makes you think that you have the power to control me?

Contrary to the beliefs of quite a few persons, I actually do respect scanlation teams. After all, I am the founder of one myself. I know that it's a lot of work, but that's exactly why I want to share it, so more people see their hard work and can appreciate it, just like I want my own scanlations to be shared.

Basically, it's like asking, "is stealing from a thief still stealing?", I don't think so.
If the thief didn't respect the owner's wishes, then I don't see a reason to respect the thief's wishes. In fact we all do questionable things. So what's the point in tearing each other apart?
That's why I believe some people should be more positive and relaxed and not so angry all the time, after all, our addiction is LOVE.

Albeit impossible at this point, it would be a great thing to get along with everyone.

I rather deal with the consequences of my actions, than to fawn in fear of what may happen.

But luckily, I sometimes receive very nice E-Mails and comments, from people who thank me for hosting all the Doujinshi on my site and actually can appreciate the work I'm putting in my site. That makes me happy and reassures me, that I'm doing the right thing.

I do not try to be a rival to anyone/any site, nor do I want to piss anyone off, I just want to spread the Love of Yaoi, because I believe that Yaoi is such a wonderful thing, that it should be shared throughout the world and brought to any place.

I hope I can maintain this site for a long time and can bring my visitors more lovely Doujinshi! :)

Thanks for reading.

Additional Note: Some things might sound a little harsh, but nothing of the beforementioned is meant as an offense. I encountered many rude people in the past, or people who simply didn't understand what I told them, so I felt the need to explain it in a clear manner.

People still like calling me a "thief", but I wonder, how is it possible to steal something that has been publicly shared on the internet? How does me reuploading a file take it away from you?
I merely copy it from one location and reupload it on Yaoi-Sei for easier access and compilation purposes.
Also, I keep saying this, but I do not remove credits pages, nor do I claim credit for anything I haven't done. I never have. Even though people keep accusing me of this. It's easy to say I removed the credits page if the original uploader failed to include one.
I don't care who translated/scanned what, put your own credits pages inside the files if you want to be credited. I only credit people specially that donated something to me personally or work together with me.
This is why I don't need to admit to anything, because I'm very upfront about what I'm doing.
If you don't get it, that's on you.

For further insight regarding my beliefs and as to why I do the things I do, please refer here and here.
Thanks for living up to my predications and proving me right in every way.

If you want me to use your links instead of mine, please let me know via E-Mail. I have no problem replacing my links.
However, should your links break and you fail to E-Mail me the new links, I will use my own links as soon as someone informs me about it. I will not stalk your communities to search for working links.

Furthermore, I will take Doujinshi under these circumstances down:
You are the copyright holder and ask me via E-Mail to take the file down, including the name of the Doujinshi in question. In this case I will completely remove the Doujinshi in question from my site and won't re-upload it.
If I have doubts about you being indeed the copyright holder, I will require proof to do so.


You are the original uploader/scanlation team and make the Doujinshi in question freely available to everyone (no password, no locked post). In this case I will link to your post, assuming you provide the link.
However, once I get informed that your links are dead or you re-locked the access, I will post them on my site up again using my own links.
It's up to you what you prefer; little control or no control at all.
Additionally, I will not be using any links that hide the destination URL in any way ( and so on).
Furthermore, please provide the exact title of the Doujinshi along with the direct link to your entry/post/download. All my files have their own links for easy access, so please do not simply provide a general link to your journal/website.
Good Example | Bad Example (threatening me does not help you in any way) | Cute Example

If, the copyright holders of any of the hosted material on my website, want me to take the files down, I will do so.
Furthermore, I cannot be held responsible for any minors who enter this website, nor for any possible damage caused by it.
Furthermore, it is impossible to know where all of the material on this website originated from, therefore I cannot be held responsible should any of the hosted material break any laws in any countries, nor am I responsible for the content of the hosted files.
The intention of this website is to share fan-drawn and unlicensed material, without the purpose of profit.