Site Stats (2025.02.12)
Total Number of Doujinshi hosted:
Total Number of Doujinshi awaiting Upload: Unlimited
Total Number of Broken Links (report here):
Welcome to Yaoi-Sei, thanks for visiting my site! ♥
Most of the Doujinshi here are R-15 or R-18, but there are also many fluffy ones.
I'm constantly updating the site and uploading new Doujinshi, usually from random series. So, if you want to see a certain category updated or added, let me know, I will see what I can do. You can also request a specific Doujinshi and I will try my best to find it for you.
I also disappear once in a while, it's something I've always done, I'm whimsical, so just a heads up in case you don't see any updates for a (long) while. But even then, I'm still always available directly. And I (usually) return anyway~
Since I don't have time to write descriptions, please be prepared for hardcore Yaoi and sometimes kink, when you download R-18 Doujinshi. You have been warned.
My collection consists of my personal interests, popular demand and things I stumbled upon and/or were requested/donated.
When a link doesn't work or you encounter corrupt files, just tell me and I will re-upload it within a few hours.
Also, you need WinZIP (or a different program that can unpack .ZIP files, such as 7-Zip) to unpack the files.
Furthermore, all Doujinshi without exception (since I'm a meticulous person) had their folders zipped. This might be a personal thing, but I consider it very annoying to have all the images on my screen when unzipping, or folder in folder in folder, therefore, if you unzip my files they will be in folders already and you can unpack them without checking.
Covers aren't always updated, because I usually put the cover of the first version I find, and later on just replace the links with the better/scanlated version.
The same goes for collections. Sometimes a scanlation or an additional Doujinshi by the same artist, which isn't included in the collection file, can be found further down.
Collections are really just a means to get a bunch of Doujinshi by your favourite artist with a single click.
If you find a duplicate Doujinshi, that is hosted twice on my website, please let me know. I try to avoid it, but especially with the bigger categories it's easy to lose track.
Furthermore, I previously uploaded some Doujinshi as .PDF, so in case you happen to come across any and prefer to have image files, let me know and I will replace them.
To search for a specific Doujinshi, enter part of the title in the search bar (CTRL + F) of your browser after clicking on the category the Doujinshi is supposed to be in. If you can't find it, feel free to send me a request via E-Mail.
I generally reply to all mails, so if you don't receive an answer within a day or two, please resend your mail. If I still won't reply, it probably means that I'm either dead or your mail didn't get through my filters, so in case of the latter please contact me at my Skype (aroshie), LJ, Twitter, Tumblr or Discord (aroshie, preferred).
If there's a Doujinshi that's not being hosted yet and you would love to share it with the world, feel free to send me an E-Mail, I will host it for you.
I'm also always looking for the English scanlations of the Doujinshi I'm hosting, as well as Japanese RAWs of those I uploaded in other languages.
I didn't draw/scan/translate/edit any of these Doujinshi (unless stated otherwise), I'm not taking any credits for them, I just found them randomly on the net.
I'm not sure who started spreading lies that I'm claiming the Doujinshi as my own (okay I do know), but again, I'm not taking any credits for anything on this website other than for the design and the scanlations done by my own team (Yaoi-Sei Scanlations), along with the RAWs I personally scanned (in that case it says so on the credits page).
Certain people tend to claim that I remove credits pages. I would like to clarify yet again, that I do not remove any inserts by the team/scanlator/scanner (even if those are several years old and I'm pretty sure their recruitment page isn't relevant anymore).
Yes, I do insert my own page with a link to this website, along with their inserts. Also, Doujinshi on Tumblr have the original credits inside the downloadable file. You are free to verify this with any file, thank you.
Really, I'm bad, but don't childishly make me look like a brat who claims she scanned/scanlated thousands of Doujinshi; someone's misjudging my level here~
You are free to redistribute everything you find on my site (just keep the credits pages intact, thanks) unless stated otherwise (but even then you can always share the links to my site).
Enjoy! ;)
If you notice anything wrong with any of the files on my website, description (rating, title, etc.) or file itself, please don't hesitate to contact me and I will fix it as soon as possible.
When I reworked the site in 2013 it was rushed due to the sheer amount of files, so there's a high possibility that some things are (still) wrong. Thanks for understanding (or not)~
I would also like to mention that I usually upload the original files that were downloaded directly from the scanner/scanlator. I avoid using images from online readers due to the quality, unless it's being specifically requested.
Also, if the downloaded files appear to be in the wrong order if sorted by name, please sort them by date modified.
If you still encounter issues then, please E-Mail me so I can take a closer look at the file in question!
★ Want to help bring more hot Doujinshi to English speaking fans? Join our scanlation team now! ★